Academics insist that Marketing is ‘in crisis’, or even ‘broken’. If so, what role can Social Media play in reversing this decline?
At the bottom of this page, visitors can download the full dissertation that the Author produced whilst studying for his MSc in eMarketing in 2009-11. Since March 2012, there have been over 1,520 downloads recorded from this page alone. The same paper is also posted on from which over 1,730 downloads have been made along with over 28,000 ‘views’. Alternatively, you can also download an abbreviated form of the dissertation which is in the form of a slidedeck.
This dissertation topic was chosen because then as now, social media were dominating discussion in both Marketing and life in general. They present both challenges and opportunities to organisations. For instance, they have brought about a revolution in how consumers communicate with each other and with organisations – and this has impacted on businesses and how they in turn communicate with their customers.
But Social Media have also affected companies in more subtler but no less important ways, such as forcing them to be more transparent and accountable. This revolution of sorts in business has occurred when Marketing has also been undergoing its own trials and tribulations. Many academics state that it is in ‘decline’, in ‘crisis’, or even ‘dead in the water’. Assuming that is the case, how are Social Media impacting Marketing? This dissertation is intended to answer this question. The author argues that the true value of this research lies in the literature review and its accompanying conceptual framework which proposes that whilst Marketing is in decline, Social Media may offer a way of reversing this decline.
Strategy and marketing strategy are examined first, before the apparent decline in Marketing is explored. The desk research ends with an examination of the areas that social media have impacted on the organisation, and in particular on Marketing. There then follows interviews with Marketing or Social Media representatives from 7 top companies in the UK – British Gas, Dell, first direct, Nokia,, Birds’ Eye Igloo, and M&S. The conclusion of the research is that whilst there is concensus in some areas between academics and marketers, there is a disconnect in others. Although it is agreed that Social Media are having an impact, practitioners see Social Media in a more tactical sense, whilst academics see them having a broader, strategic impact and role. So the effects are seen as having an evolutionary effect by practitioners rather than the revolutionary one suggested by academics.
This dissertation runs to over 100 pages (almost 30,000 words), and that does not include the many Appendices. The paper is divided into main sections of Introduction, Literature Review, Methodology, Findings, Discussion, and Conclusion.
Instructions for download: Fill in the required fields below and click on the resultant link to download the file. Please also view the ‘Comments’ section below. These contain relevant and useful articles and links from the marketing media and are continually updated.
I am looking for some good blog sites for studying. I was searching over search engines and found your blog site. Well i like your high quality blog site design plus your posting abilities. Keep doing it.
Brilliant by Mark Ritson:
Three axioms and three questions that summarise all of brand strategy
Why traditional marketing is broken (and 5 ways to fix it)
A truly powerful purpose statement is one that achieves two objectives: clearly articulating strategic goals and motivating your workforce.
Why Are We Here?
Ben Horowitz on #Culture Alot in this article that my dissertation broached.
My dissertation in 2011 said Marketing was in crisis. Now read this:
Marketing is in a ‘tactical death spiral.’ The FT survey found that the ‘the vast majority of business leaders have lost faith in brand and its power to drive growth.’
“You have to really…. focus on long-term growth and the drivers of long-term growth.’ These are: “Brand, emotion, and aligning marketing with finance.”
Marketing and media’s troubled future
The new rules of innovation – From co-creation and cultivation of a social community for ideas, to empowering an entire business to work on new product development, brands need to open up if they want to stay ahead of the innovation curve.
Marketing and advertising are in crisis not because they don’t work, but because they are ideologically disliked in the higher echelons of business
Excellent article from eConsultancy relevant to my dissertation which talked about Marketing’s position and future in the organisation…
The six types of marketing org structure
Leading your boss and colleagues matters more than leading your team
I didn’t cover Brand Purpose in my dissertation but much of the discussion about it is relevant to the section in the paper on brand advocation and engaging with employees.
‘Airbnb’s Alex Dimiziani: Why are brands getting purpose so f*cking wrong?’
From the McKinsey archive and a must-read for managers:
The halo effect, and other managerial delusions
‘Good decisions don’t always lead to favorable outcomes, and unfavorable outcomes are not always the result of mistakes. Wise managers resist the natural tendency to make attributions based solely on outcomes. They avoid the halo bestowed by performance and insist on independent evidence. ‘
Incisive post here for Brand Marketers:
People don’t love your brand – they don’t even like it
Is the effectiveness of social media overrated? Scroll down to read what a digital officer of Leo Burnett of Australia said.
So true this:
The age of the employee: to really transform your brand, you need to empower your staff first
How digital transformation can revolutionise marketing
CAN INSIGHTS FROM BEHAVIORAL ECONOMICS EXPLAIN WHY GOOD EXECUTIVES BACK BAD STRATEGIES? If you are a CEO or corporate strategist, or think you know strategy, this is necessary reading. It’s a long article from 2003 but very insightful.
Another article very relevant to what revealed in my dissertation (from academics): ‘Why CMOs have ‘very little time’ to do marketing’
CMOs blamed first when companies miss growth goals – A new study suggests a lack of understanding between the CEO and marketing is putting CMOs in the firing line.
Excellent short paper on how to build a high-performance marketing organisation by Harvard Business Review. Most orgs haven’t changed the structure of the marketing function in 40yrs. This really dovetails with my dissertation section on the organisation and is definitely worth reading whether you are a student or practitioner.
Dear Richard,
I came across your dissertation as I need a topic for my dissertation in Marketing and Brand Management at Oxford Brookes and found it really impressive. I was astonished by how many people from companies you were able to interview. Therefore it would be really kind of you if you could tell me how you contacted and convinced them to do an interview with you. As I am really trying to do my dissertation just as professional as you.
Many thanks,
Simply excellent article on the definitions of ‘brand’ and ‘branding’.
Toward a value-creating board – The amount of time board directors spend on their work and commit to strategy is rising. But in a new survey, few respondents rate their boards as effective at most tasks or report good feedback or training practices. An interesting article by Forbes
Disney Tops Global Ranking Of The Most Powerful Brands In 2016 – Forbes article. It’s interesting not only because Apple isn’t in the top 10 but Google is last in 10th place and PwC and McKinsey are in the top 6 which is, frankly, absurd. However I thought the best contribution was the description of the ‘brand’ by the authors of the report, Brand Finance, as “a marketing related intangible asset including, but not limited to, names, terms, signs, symbols, logos and designs, or a combination of these, intended to identify goods, services or entities, or a combination of these, creating distinctive images and associations in the minds of stakeholders, thereby generating economic benefits/value.” This is covered in my dissertation too. See Forbes article
Marketers need to shift from crafting messages to creating Experiences.
Great post on the past and present state of Marketing
New book: The Silo Effect (The Peril of Expertise and the Promise of Breaking Down Barriers). Supports much of what my dissertation says about the organisation.
We are moving from an age of mass marketing to an age of engagement marketing where technology is critical to success. Excellent article.
Hi Richard,
Pls i want to write my dissertation on the social media and relationship marketing, but i cant come out with a good topic. Pls can you help?
Very interesting article – ‘Brands are out, customer relationships are in’ See my comment below the article.
Why Marketing Clouds Make No Sense A great article criticising orgs for having siloed marketing departments and suggests that the future of marketing is the “experience cloud.” It concludes: “It’s time to organize your marketing (and the technology that supports it) around the customer’s experience”. So a lot of similarities with a running theme in my dissertation – ‘experience marketing’.
Excellent article by Professor Mark Ritson about branding You need a free login to Marketing Week mag: ‘Coke’s ‘one brand’ strategy highlights one of the great marketing themes of our lifetime. The single most important piece of brand theory of the past quarter century was published in the California Management Review in 2000.’
This article from Brand Republic supports the claims in my dissertation! ‘Britvic chief Simon Litherland warns consumer trust in advertising is ‘at all time low’
This exellent article by McKinsey not only highlights the various challenges facing Marketing (as identified in the dissertation) but also suggests that there are opportunities for Marketing to re-take lost ground within the organisation and make itself more relevant and effective.
Marketers are boosting their precision, broadening their scope, moving more quickly, and telling better stories.
‘Are we on the cusp of a new golden age for marketing?’ Excellent article by Econsultancy reinforcing much of the findings on Marketing’s role in the dissertation
Excellent article which highlights the conundrum of the impact of social on marketing. There is clear disagreement amongst Chief Marketing Officers as to how to use social within their overall marketing strategy: ‘Why CMOs see social media as just another tick-box’
Interesting article relevant to the dissertation:
New marketing models emerge
Excellent article revealing the disagreement between two big business persona over whether Marketing should have a seat in the boardroom. Some strong points made here by the pro-marketer Martin Glenn, CEO of United Biscuits who stressed that all businesses failures are “at their heart” marketing failures, adding that businesses which have marketing at their heart are “just better businesses”. Businesses which are not marketing-led “don’t have the courage” to cannibalise what is currently profitable, according to Glenn. See United Biscuits and Barclays chiefs clash over whether CMOs should be in the boardroom
Excellent article from the Harvard Business Review: ‘Your Digital Strategy Shouldn’t Be About Attention’
Very prescient article on how ‘Marketers need to be better at marketing themselves’ – so very relevant to what is discussed in the dissertation regarding marketing not being valued by the SMT.
Interesting article on CMOs’ attitudes to data and social plus it reveals that two thirds (63 per cent) of CEOs are involving their CMO in the creation of the organisations overall business strategy
Good article showing how a (car) brand realises the branding power of social media – ‘Peugeot to use social media to deal with ‘ambivalence’ towards brand’
‘Reinvention, not cost cutting, should be the stimulus for reorganisation’ – this article kind of recognises the problem facing marketing but whether P&G’s method of doing it – cutting back – is correct, is probably wrong.
Excellent article by a professor at London Business School on why businesses pursue the wrong kind of growth. Totally relevant to the dissertation where it talks about strategy e.g. leap in value, ‘blue water’ strategy. “Lessons marketers can learn from McDonald’s’ pursuit of the wrong kind of growth”
How agencies and clients can make interconnected work
An interesting discussion between some clients and agencies not least as it discusses Marketing’s value or lack of (thus relevant to my dissertation).
What does “interconnected” mean for clients today as they try to juggle not only disciplines across different departments within their organisations, but also outside agencies with their own specialist areas?
‘Work Club’s Paddy Griffith discusses the future of marketing’. Interesting article this, mainly because the author echoes what is discussed in the dissertation about relationship marketing where it is suggested that CRM might be replaced by CMR – customer management of the relationship. The author says, “….something which he terms as ‘VRM’ which is the opposite of CRM and stands for “vendor relationship management”.
Interesting article suggesting that now there is an opportunity for marketers to move into the ‘C-suite’. It is ironic because I think that currently marketing has never been so de-valued and my dissertation suggests that marketing has been ‘centrifuged out’ to other departments. See
A word on innovation from Coke: ‘The future of big, fast growth lies in business model innovation’
This article from Marketing Week discusses research on the Future of Marketing. It suggests 5 rules to guide marketers seeking to position their brands for growth and success. And some of the themes from the research have a correlation with some of the concepts emanating from the conceptual framework of my dissertation. For example it suggests that marketing-oriented companies perform better. In another, it suggests that brands must have a purpose and agrees that Marketing’s role has changed. One business leader argues that marketing is ‘no longer about communicating functional benefits. Instead, it must encompass a broader concept of a brand’s role in the world’.
Brand consistency, yet a need to act fast and flexibly to local needs, are identified as key to future marketing success. To tackle this, Coca-Cola promotes uses a ’networked’ marketing model, where responsibility is devolved to local teams and best work is rolled out globally. The article claims that the research shows that ‘there is a clear correlation between the ‘networked’ side of marketing and overall business success’.
All-in-all, an interesting piece of research
See this interesting article about CUUSSO, Lego’s crowdsourcing tool. The dissertation discusses the Lego User Group Network (LUGNET) but I hadn’t heard of CUUSSO.
See this excellent article from Marketing magazine which questions the value of social media to brands, even suggests that they are only of value to niche brands and could even damage large brands.
Will the social media bubble burst for brands?
See also this blog by Simon Kenwright entitled “Brand engagement: connecting employees and customers”
The blog reinforces the suggestion in my dissertation that social media bring about organisational change and assist in areas like brand engagement and strategy implementation. See slides 74-79 of the slidedeck in my downloads section.
Read ‘Marketing is Dead’, a short article from August 2012 from Harvard Business Review which reinforces much of what the academics say from the papers in the literature review from my dissertation.
Marketing – still not earning a seat on the board
Good article on social network monitoring, ROI on social and structured vs. unstructured data. Quote: “the idea of having a single view of the customer is still an aspirational state”. Yes it still is. See
See this great article by Andy Lark, CMO of Commonwealth Bank of Australia, on marketing’s failure to gain a seat at the boardroom table. This was prompted by a report by the Australian Marketing Institute and reinforces the points made about Marketing’s failures in my dissertation.
And another article on the agency effectiveness issue:
IPA chief hits back at report slamming agency effectiveness
See this article, very relevant: “78% of CEOs say agencies are not ROI driven”
And yet another article re marketing and influence: “BMW: ‘Marketers must tell truth to grow status’ ”
More evidence supporting the desk research from the literature review that marketing lacks influence in the organisation. “Marketers ‘lack influence’, says CIM report”
“Strategy is five choices,” Lafley once explained to the Harvard Business Review. “What is winning; where am I going to play to win; how am I going to win where I play; where are my core competencies that are going to enable me to win where I play; and what management systems and measures are going to help me execute my strategies?” See the blog ‘Don’t Let Strategy Become Planning’
by Roger Martin
A good update in terms of how brands have adopted social since I wrote the dissertation: “Social Brands 100: how brands have become more adept at using social media”
Here is some new research into social media segmentation which augments the segmentation identified in the literature review
Yet another article supporting the theme in my paper about how brands must be built, especially in hard times, and how employees must be brand advocates
See this article re social media and engagement. The centre bit really reinforces what I say in my dissertation – that companies must engage and empower their employees, using social media.
Here’s a light-hearted view on social media’s place in marketing from The Secret Marketer at Marketing Week: “Social media – the superhero to save marketing?”
And this one: Starbucks brews up social engagement to drive sales
See this article: How Coca-Cola uses co-creation to crowdsource new marketing ideas
Do see this article “13 bad marketing habits to ditch in 2013” Some key points made are mirrored in my dissertion. Here’s one taken from the book “In Velocity: The Seven New Laws for a World Gone Digital”. In it, ‘Ajaz Ahmed writes that one of the reasons why established organisations struggle to innovate is that the existing team already has its hands full doing its current job. Big organisations are usually built for efficiency, not innovation’. And in another key point, (no. 13 – The Moral Vacuum), the article talks about ‘the impossible working conditions’ of marketers. In another (no. 2 – Settling for Less’), marketers are encouraged to champion their work across the organisation. These are all themes identified in my dissertation.
I am about to begin my dissertation for a Masters in Marketing and Innovation at Anglia Ruskin University. Whilst doing preliminary research I happened to come across your e-marketing dissertation which was very impressive – well researched, well written and containing a thorough literature review.
Another article showing how 70% of CEOs have lost trust in marketers. This is a major theme in the dissertation
A very interesting article on how creativity has diminished over recent years. Again it’s relevant to comments in the dissertation and it is an indictment of the stifling of creativity in advertising – ‘A short lesson in perspective’ … …
The Untapped Innovation Factory
This article supports the section in my dissertation where I cover social media bringing change to the organisation and employee empowerment (p.40-42).
People interested in the dissertation topic might be interested in this article from 26 September 2012 in The Guardian by top US marketer Cindy Gallop entitled “It’s time to rethink the advertising business”. In it she briefly describes much of the topics discussed in the dissertation, such as ‘old’ marketing, a shift from top-down to bottom-up strategy formulation, and co-creation (although she says this will be surpassed by ‘co-action’).